When it comes to putting on the wetsuit or drysuit, they need to see what feels the best each day.

You Need to Know

Everything You Need to Know About Wetsuit and Drysuit

When it comes to scuba divingt

scuba diving

When it comes to scuba diving, there are generally two types of attire: a wetsuit and a drysuit. There is debate about which type of suit offers more warmth and comfort, but either type can work well for your diving needs. Understanding both of these suits is important so you can make the best choice for yourself. Here’s the basic rundown on each type of diving suit. A wetsuit is a rubberized garment lined and filled with air, resulting in a tight-fitting garment that keeps you warm while feeling completely dry. Wetsuits are generally worn over a swimsuit or two layers of clothing. Wetsuits do not block sweat, and they do not provide insulation against the cold. They are primarily used for cold-water diving. If your goal is comfort, a wetsuit may be your best option. If your goal is warmth and versatility, then a drysuit may be the best option. Regardless of which diving garment you choose, ensure it fits tightly, providing insulation and warmth while still allowing movement. Choose the best suit for you by comparing the benefits and deciding based on your needs.

fisherman in wetsuit with photo camera in hands in preparation for a hunt. Portrait

divers stay

Helps divers stay warm in colder climates: Wetsuits help prevent heat loss due to the water being cooler than the surrounding air. Protects against cold shock: Wetsuits help protect divers from the initial shocking cold that happens when a diver first enters the water.Unrestricted movement: A drysuit allows a diver to move and bend in any way he wants, unlike a tight-fitting wetsuit that restricts movement.

Air Trapped

Keeps air trapped in The wetsuit allows divers to move freely and naturally, unlike dry suits, where the dry suit acts like an extra layer of skin and limit movement. Drains easily: After a dive, excess water inside a wetsuit can be easily drained out so that you are ready for your next dive. Drysuits are designed for divers who plan to dive in cold water most of the time and spend very little time in tropical waters. Drysuits are also ideal for activities like scuba diving, sailing, and kayaking in colder waters.

Which activities are ideal for a wetsuit

ideal for

skin diving

Wetsuits can be used for swimming, skin diving, and freediving. Wetsuits are ideal for scuba diving for cold water dives because air trapped in the suit does not condense on the inside of the suit. Even though wetsuits do not offer much insulation from the cold, they are still warmer than wet suits because of their tight-fitting design. The suit that you choose to dive in is ultimately up to you


A drysuit is a fully-featured diving suit worn over a wetsuit. The dry suit is sometimes known as a “two-piece” suit because it consists of two pieces of rubberized fabric. The inner liner makes contact with the skin and keeps you warm, while the outer layer stops water from entering the suit and escaping at high altitudes. Keeps out water: The air-tight seal on a drysuit helps keep water out of the suit.

offer insulation

Provides insulation: Drysuits offer insulation from the cold and provide increased warmth Allows a diver to swim faster when ascending: Because the outer layer of a drysuit is made of rubberized fabric, it provides protection against water penetration. Offers air-tight seal: A drysuit insulates you in cold water but allows you to move freely underwater and surfaces quickly.

Each type of suit has its own benefits

Which activities are ideal for a drysuit?